Rina arem dobija ponižavajući ginekoloski ispit potreban za nove studente univerziteta u Tampi od strane doktora tampe i medicinske sestre stacy shepard

Рина арем добија понижавајући гинеколоски испит потребан за нове студенте универзитета у Тампи од стране доктора тампе и медицинске сестре stacy схепард

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#Clov $Clov Step into Tampa Universitys exam rooms for Rina Arems mandatory student physical! Doctor Tampa & Nurse Stacy Shepards gloved hand probe her hot nude teen body during a VERY FULL physical!

Video Transkripcija

Right we live we roll

Internet worlds it's dr. Tampa. Oh

Let me flip this so I can keep an eye on us. Oh, there we go. There we go. Hey, we're looking good, aren't we?

So it is dr. Tampa. Would you like to introduce yourself?

So you came down here we're gonna be filming some different scenes and such so

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We're gonna be oh you have to stay son. You have to stay

My ***** getting up he's like I want to get in the shop be a part of this

You can't you got to stay there chill out

So we're gonna be shooting some stuff over the next couple of days for my various websites

And we have discussed a lot of things up front like limits

Well, the big one is butt stuff. The only thing we're doing but wise is a single finger or a thermometer in there

so we're not really doing any butt stuff, but

We're gonna try some different things that you've never tried before such as the violet wand and sounding and electrical stimulation

And you've agreed to try these things they might not make it into the final cut if she tries them it is like oh my

God, this is terrible. Please stop

But if if they work out and you're amicable to them, we'll see them in the final videos. So

But you know while you're here we're gonna be doing some stuff or you're like the nice little patient willingly there


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  • 15:42