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Zgodna tranvestitkinja na ženskoj veb kameri

Згодна транвеститкиња на женској веб камери

Prikaži više


Objavio X-STREAMS_

Video Transkripcija

Driven? Yes I have.

Yes I have.


249 tokens. Is that count as bank?

Hey, we reached all of our goals.

Prikaži manje Prikaži više

I think we're done.

I think I saw something.

I just shouted.

What the hell?

Hi. How was that?

She has a really big clit.

I was saying before, before I started hormones my dick was bigger.

And out of...

I told you this story before.

The girls in my high school made a list.

They compiled a list of dick sizes back in high school.

That's just no girl thing.

And me and my brother were in the top two.

He was number one, I was number two.

And you were bigger right?

I was much bigger before.

Well not much bigger but I was like an inch, an inch and a half longer.

Yeah I was like an inch, an inch and a half longer.

And I had like maybe like...

It was more girthy but...


But when you start hormones and you don't get hard for like six months straight it actually starts dying.

Then I came along.

You had a pussy as a boy.

I think no one is listening.


We should set up for the show.


Cause you know why.

Yeah you know why.

I'm trans, she's not trans.

She's not trans.

Her clit is bigger than my cock.

Can you do a close up on your cock?

Can I do a close up?

You can do a close up now but it's...



She's really zooming in here.


  • 356,056
  • 04:55