Dan 26 gpp izazov sa Džulijom protiv zemlje. super lak i opuštajući trening za telo bez skoro bez energije.

Дан 26 gpp изазов са Џулијом против земље. супер лак и опуштајући тренинг за тело без скоро без енергије.

Prikaži više

Today I do super-simple training. The reason is a big lack of energy to perform something more difficult. The exercises are targeted at stretching all muscles one by one. Join my VIP FanClub!

Video Transcription

Hi guys, Julia Vierses here. Today is 11th April of 2022 and today is 26th day of our GBP challenge.

Today for some reasons I went to sleep only 4.30am. That's why I'm feeling ***** myself and I have absolutely not enough energy.

That's why today we will do super easy training, super relaxing training. I don't want to lose any day of my GBP challenge but I want to keep my body in good condition.

That's why today we are going to do super relaxing training. So, let's do it. I remove my panties.

If you want to get my panties, welcome to come to my store at juliavierses**** and buy it. Very welcome.

Prikaži manje Prikaži više

So, for now let's start. I think we have to start with just general movements of our body parts.

So, this part from our head we will do it differently. Let's do it just with your left knee.

One, two, three. Another side. One, two, three. Good job.

Everything has to be very gentle, very slow because of today's relaxing training. Now we do movements on our wrists.

One, two, three. Another side. One, two, three. Here. One, two, three. Another side. One, two, three. Good job.

Now we do our shoulders. One, two, three. Good job. Now let's see this leg and do this part. Do circle movements.

One, two, three. Another side. One, two, three. Same with our knees. One, two, three. And one, two, three. Good job.


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