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Jebem ovu mršavu Mini pa. Neжe da laћe, dobila je veoma usku piиku. Dala je sve od sebe da ćuti

Јебем ову мршаву Мини па. Неже да лаће, добила је веома уску пиику. Дала је све од себе да ћути

Prikaži više


Objavio Jenkmaster

Video Transkripcija

I'm sorry.

I don't know what you must do.

Not even God.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Prikaži manje Prikaži više

We have received you for not respecting our right

to have a

These are your health documents.

Contact information on the man.

You discovered him.

You left him at the ambulance

and you believe he got here in time.

In the Bible, do you believe in this pain and suffering?


We are in the Bible, right?

The Bible is that's lost.

But it is in the

It's not this appearance.

I'm as surprised as you are.

I haven't

He's aware of that.

He's waiting for you in the garage.

I'm telling you, you're having a bad time.

This is an official visit.

  • 1,726
  • 05:09